Keynote Leadership Speaker, Visonary Leadership, Positive Motivation

Keynote Leadership Speaker, Visonary Leadership, Positive Motivation Todd Brockdorf provides it all. Organizational leadership expert, this motivation speaker provides keynote presentations and workshops.

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Spark the Leader Within

There is no such thing as a natural born leader. We all have the potential to be a leader. Leadership is a skill that can be taught and Todd proves it. His motivational humor shines as he helps the audience realize the power of the leader within all of us. He’ll motivate, he’ll entertain, but most important, he’ll light the spark to build more leaders for your organization.

Lead with Vision

Too often organizations get stuck in a rut. They continue to do the same activities, hold the same events, and think the same way year after year and believe that their membership will continue to be interested. They don’t have a strategic vision, or a plan for the future. Sometimes sweeping change is needed. Other times, minor tweaks will help strengthen the organization. No matter the challenges, this program will help participants outline a plan for success. Its principles are applicable to both organizations and individuals. The audience will leave inspired and ready for change.

The Young Professional:

An Elusive Creature

Generation X, Generation Y - no matter the label, today’s young professionals are difficult to attract and retain in community-based organizations. Let this young professional, the very person that you are trying to recruit, offer suggestions tailored specifically to your organization. He will take you on a journey through the minds of young professionals. You will have a chance to measure your organization against “The Readiness Checklist.” He will share stories of his own experiences and those of other young professionals. Warning: Todd could challenge your traditional way of thinking.